Terms & Conditions


RESTRICTIONS: In consideration of being allowed to participate in and attend the Screw City Beer Festival presented by Kryptonite, Ltd., (the “Festival”), you, the purchaser of this ticket, agree to comply with any and all rules, regulations, terms, and conditions of the Festival, and any local, state, and federal laws, including but not limited to the following. As such, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. You must be 21 and have a valid ID to attend the festival.

  2. All ticket sales are final and no refunds shall be given for any reason.

  3. Each beer sample is limited to a two (2) ounce pour.

  4. Consuming alcohol can be dangerous to your health and will impair your ability to perform certain activities, including, but not limited to, your ability to operate a motor vehicle. YOU KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK OF INJURY OR LOSS THAT MAY RESULT FROM YOUR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL AT THE FESTIVAL.

  5. People at the Festival will be using cameras, film, video, and recording devices. Your image may be captured on film, video, or in photographs or on audio which may subsequently be displayed or disseminated without your consent or without payment of compensation to you. YOU HEREBY RELEASE THE FESTIVAL AND KRYPTONITE LTD FROM ANY LIABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH FILMING AND RECORDING AND WAIVE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE TO YOUR IMAGE OR LIKENESS AS CAPTURED OR RECORDED AT THE FESTIVAL.

  6. The Festival will be contained within certain physical boundaries that will be clearly marked on the day of the festival (“the Festival Grounds”). You are not permitted to consume any alcohol of any kind obtained at the Festival outside of the Festival Grounds. You are not permitted to bring any food or drink onto the Festival Grounds.

  7. The Festival and Kryptonite Ltd. and their representatives and agents reserve the right to remove you from the Festival Grounds for conduct that they, in their sole discretion, deem inappropriate. Such conduct that may cause you to be removed from the festival includes, but is not limited to, offensive language, aggressive behavior, drunkenness, or the refusal to cooperate with the Festival or Kryptonite Ltd. or their representative or agents in efforts to assure the safety and enjoyment of the other guests of the Festival.

  8. The Festival and Kryptonite Ltd. and its representatives and agents have the right to monitor and limit your alcohol consumption; however, YOU KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL RISK OF INJURY OR LOSS THAT MAY RESULT FROM YOUR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL AT THE FESTIVAL.